+ 25
What is the best free text editor if color helps?
I'm trying to find ways to practice creating my own code outside of SoloLearn and it's become painfully obvious that I have a lot of syntax errors without the coloring of components. Any ideas? Free is important....I work in education = no money 😂
36 odpowiedzi
+ 28
Visual Studio Code
+ 22
Brackets is free and good... There is also Sublime Text which is my favourite but its not free but it doesn't have a evaluation period too
+ 21
There are many text editors available like Notpad++, Atom, Sublime Text & much more. My favourite is Sublime Text as it is much powerful text editor as it has numerous customization options like choosing different themes & also has different plugins by which you can beautify your code. You should give it a try!
+ 17
Try out brackets. It's free and I personally feel that it has much more color friendly themes and syntax highlighting. Download it from here: www.brackets.io
+ 16
notepad ++, maybe.
+ 12
Atom is best
+ 11
Blue j
+ 10
i agree with @Agus, notepad++ is the best 👌
+ 10
I personally use VS Code or Emacs.
+ 10
I really like sublime, has the power and intelligence of brackets and the easiness of notepad++. But this is more like a personal choice, try a bunch of editors and see what fit you best. Good luck :)
+ 8
Notepad++ for me :D
+ 8
Atom Sublime text 3
+ 6
I like Sublime, but since I'm not going to pay its licence I opted for Atom. Specially for beginners the difference is not remarkable.
+ 6
Create it by yourself. It will be the really best one for you!
+ 5
Geany! give a Geany a try! you'll love it.
+ 5
visual studio code
+ 4
If you want a Feature Rich Text Editor then you could try:
1) Brackets
2) Atom
If you love simplicity then you could try:
3) Sublime Text
Its good for all programming languages as well...
4) Notepad ++
Protip: if you want to work with github for code collaboration then, Atom is best for you.
Protip 2: IDEs are also great option. They include lots of great features that text editor don't have.
Such as:
Aptana Studio
Happy Coding...😊
+ 3
anWriter Free is a great editor for messing around with concepts on your phone. use it a lot for trying new website design
+ 3
use brackets it is free and install emit plugin or notepad++ or atom
+ 3
notepad ++ is in my eyes best choice when you use windows and later you can look for a free IDE