Converting numerls 10 and under to its English names fails in one of the hidden test case.
I wrote a code which basically takes a string of input and if the input contain numbers 10 and below it will simply convert those to english name. Like 2 converted to two likewise. But every time I run it i get one error which is hidden. What is wrong with the code? x = input().split() dict = {'ten': '10','9':'nine','8':'eight','7':'seven','6':'six','5':'five','4':'four','3':'three','2':'two','1':'one','0':'zero'} y = [] for i in x: if i not in dict: y.append(i) else: y.append(dict[i]) print(' '.join(y))
3 odpowiedzi
+ 1
10:ten instead of ten:10
+ 1
The first dictionary item should be
'10': 'ten'
instead of
'ten': '10'
+ 1
Thanks that was overlooked 😅