+ 12
Can u guys recommend me a website to practice my coding skills
I'm new to programming course and I don't know where to practice my coding skills which I learned from sololearn will you recommend me a website or app to practice my coding skill.
29 odpowiedzi
+ 20
There are several preety good websites for practicing coding skills from basics to advance!
+ 6
gokul N you can try
And many more...
+ 6
Others have shared many nice sites but most sites are good for introduction only.
If you really wish to retain what you have learned and take it to next level then I highly recommend doing "Projects"
I started with simple sololearn codes. Realized web codes are more fun due to graphics support so went deep in JS.
Then I made my own simple website in github pages. It taught me a lot of things like Hosting,
Website optimization.
Right now that website feels like child's play but at that time it taught me many things.
By focusing on one project for a long time I was able to utilize everything I learned thus helping retain what I practiced in sololearn.
Before that I would just jump from languages to languages quitting them whenever getting stuck in a tough concept.
By mastering one language I realized everything else is almost same and we can do same things there as well.
So pick a cool project and learn the best suggested language for that product.
Happy programming 👍
+ 4
As I understand your words
You need to practice skills
Use editor like vscode to make projects or online editors like replit or stackblitz
The most important is to make something to solve a problem.
+ 3
+ 3
Ugah paul w3resources.com has enough exercises to practice and also to code as a beginner or newbie. It has really help me when I started.few years back.
2. Never be in a hurry to learn,learn slowly.
3. Devote at least an hour per day. Later you can increase it at your own pace
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Saurabh Kumar Yadav
Thanks to all who answered my question ❤😉
+ 2
Please how do i practice my basics perfectly as am a worker and have no time for learning?
+ 2
If you want to practise I suggest hackerrank if you want to learn then Freecodecamp.org
+ 2
Hackerrank is a good choice
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+ 2
I am a fan of:
exercism <https://exercism.org/>
Codewars <https://www.codewars.com>
+ 2
Here much more... https://ebookfoundation.github.io/free-programming-books/more/problem-sets-competitive-programming.html
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+ 1
Ugah paul
Check those websites that they mentioned here☝👍
+ 1
try We3school , i already tried it and it's quiet good
+ 1
Codecademy, freecodecamp, LinkedIn learning