make code simpler
print("Good evening!") x=2017-int(input("Enter your Birth year")) print("Your age is") print(x) with explanation pls
2 odpowiedzi
+ 7
Line 1:- prints Good morning,easy enough
Line 2:- subtract input from user in int from 2017(which is the current year) and store it in x
Line 3:- easy enough
Line 4:- prints value of x
Line 2 again --->
input("Hello") is used to print hello and then accept input entered by the user
int(input("Wow") will print wow, then will store input of the user as an int.
2017-int(input("Wow") will subtract input from 2017
+ 1
Your code is very straight forward (Just printing a number), so simplicity here is not a target.
However why you don't try something like this:
print("Good evening!")
x = int(input("Enter your Birth year: ")) # Save the input in a variable as it is, in case you need to make some checks on it later
print("Your age is:", 2017-x) # Print the string and the age in the same line