Some useless programs at the Most Popular Codes
I dont know why but some codes at CODEPLAYGROUND are really of no use but has got an upvote of more than 100. Here are some CODES which should not get so many upvotes:- The "real" Christmas Tree- Very simple program Toss the Coin Hundred Times- Its not very interseting. Nothing creative. Print 1 to 100 without loop- Anybody can make that. Nothing Special Generate a Pyramid-Anybody can make that. Nothing Special I know there were hearts involved in these programs and i dont critisize posting these programs. All i am saying is to be more judgemental when you give an upvote. You cant upvote a "Hello World" just because the developer was excited about his first program. If you do upvote such codes than the whole point of competition in codeplaygrond will be of no use. If you agree PLEASE GIVE AN UPVOTE to this discussion. Lmao. Got too many downvotes. Downvotes are accepted too.