How to fix this
Convert days to second Code: Import java.util.Scanner; public class program{ Public static void main(String []args){ System.out.println("Enter the days"); Scanner sc= new Scanner (System.in); int days = sc.nextInt(); int dayToHour= days*24; /* 1day=24hour */ int dayToMintue = dayToHour*60; /* 1hour=60min */ int dayToSecond = dayToMintue*60; /* 1min=60 sec */ System.out.println ("converting days to second: " + dayToSecond ); } }
9 odpowiedzi
+ 2
And the problem in in your print statement u dont need to print any string u just need to print value
+ 1
What that bug?
Is it code coach problem?
Share link code that helps to identify what is the mistake..Meghna Som
Add Expected output with problem description..
Do following changes.
Import to import
Public to public
"I also tried this ....
Int second = days*24*60*60;
But it couldn't run ..
It's show me a bugs ..."
Yes, because it's wrong.
Write 'int' instead of 'Int', with lower case 'i'.
Or print direct:
And DO NOT print any additional text like " converting days to.... ". This will produce an error for the CodeCoach. Print ONLY the number of result.
Ok ..I will try it...
How to fix this
I copy and paste your code and run it. Then I change this lines:
Import java.util.Scanner;
public class program{
Public static void main(String []args)
I changed "Import" to "import" and "Public" to "public".
Then run it. The code works without any problems.
What is the issue?
First of all, you don't have to expand the mechanism
int dayToHour= days*24;
/* 1day=24hour */
int dayToMintue = dayToHour*60;
/* 1hour=60min */
int dayToSecond = dayToMintue*60;
/* 1min=60 sec */
like this
Instead of that, you can simply convert days to seconds using
daysToSecond = days * 24 * 60 * 60 ( you have to declare a new variable I'm using int daysToSecond)
fist step - days * 24 means, convert days into 24 hours
if you enter 12 days it multiplies with 24 so then you can get how many hours
second step - days * 24 * 60 means converting the hours into minutes
12 days * 24 = 288 if we multiply 288 hours with 60 we can get 17280 in minutes
third step - days * 24 * 60 * 60 means converting the minutes into seconds
finally, if you multiply 17280 minutes with 60 we can get 1036800 in seconds
which means 12 days = 1036800 seconds
The new code is right below enjoy ;)
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Enter the days");
Scanner sc = new Scanner (System.in);
int days = sc.nextInt();
//new code
int daysToSecond = days * 24 * 60 * 60 ;
System.out.println("converting days to second: " + daysToSecond);
- 1
What is the problem with your code? What is your expected output?
Save code and share link here..
You can write directly like :
days*24*60*60 ,then no need of variables.
- 1
I also tried this ....
Int second = days*24*60*60;
But it couldn't run ..
It's show me a bugs ...