Is palindrome ?
Check if the given string is a palindrome or not? Palindromes are a numbers, phrases or words that reads same both the ways, backward as well as forward. For example, 1331 is a palindrome because on reversing the digits the number remains the same. But 123 is not a palindrome, as on reversing the digits it becomes 321. So given a number n you have to output whether the number is a palindrome or not. Print 1 if True and 0 if false. Input input contains a single string s. Constraints:- 1<=|s|<=100000 Note:- String will only contains characters from '0' to '9'. Output 1 or 0. where 1 means the number is palindrome and zero indicates it's not. Sample Input-1 1235321 Sample Output-1 1 Sample Input-2 6547 Sample Output-2 0 Sample Input-3 3443 Sample Output-3 1 Sample Input-4 3434 Sample Output-4 0 Explanation:- Testcase1:- On reversing the string it becomes 1235321 which is same as original string hence It is a palindrome