Function returning NaN?
Hello friends I did an example for the first class function topic I did a function called calcAge that gets the user's date of birth and calculates the user's age, and using the first class function, the checkAge function gets the age calculation, but whatever I do, the second function gets the first function as an argument. Has returned the value of NaN const calcAge = (brithDay) => { const ageResult = 2021 - brithDay; return ageResult } console.log(calcAge(1992)) const checkAge = (age) => { return age() } console.log(checkAge(calcAge))
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while calling the function calcAge, u didnt pass any arguments.
the birthDay value is null;
const calcAge = (brithDay) => {
const ageResult = 2021 - brithDay;
return ageResult
const checkAge = (age, args) => {
return age(args)
console.log(checkAge(calcAge, 1999))