How to have common pointer for independent classes
Hi I have a class ( for eg. clsMain) which is responsible currently to call the methods of seperate class (For eg. clsA) . This class clsMain has pointer of the clsA class and it is working fine Now scenario is that I need to work with clsB also and clsMain class based on input decides what to call for either clsA or clsB I don't have control over clsA and clsB as it is owned by other group How can I better use it in to clsMain ? I don't wana store pointer of both class but I don't find a way to store it in a single pointer due to the fact that they are independent classes Any suggestions on this would be great.
10 odpowiedzi
+ 2
Ketan Lalcheta it seems (at least to me) that this is a problem that can be solved using dynamic inheritance.
Have clsMain define an interface( a set of virtual functions ) and then let clsA and clsB define the implementation ( override the virtual functions ).
But since you've said that you don't have control over clsA and clsB, then the only solution is to define clsMain as having 2 pointers/objects of the 2 classes as member variables.
+ 1
Anthony Maina Thanks.
this is something I will try....
But having said that, what's the difference if I access clsA method directly or access clsA object from clsMain
I still have to figure out which object or pointer of clsMain to use... Correct or I m missing something ?
+ 1
You still have to figure out which object to use, whether you are accessing their methods directly or through a clsMain object.
You may define your own type :
struct clsAB {
clsA a;
clsB b;
clsAB ab;
ab.a; //access clsA
ab.b; //access clsB
Yes that's correct ... But what benifit we will get by doing so ? Still I have to use condition to decide whether to write ab.a.function() or ab.b.function()
I need some mechanism which will work like ab.function which itself decided on a or b
A struct is like a class without methods, you know ? What's the condition to use one of these classes
That is user input... If input is 1 , then call a or else call b..
I will be calling this class a or class b method almost 100 times in entire code
So don't want to call each time using the if else condition
Does their methods have the same names ?
Yes it has... To be more specific, only one method is not to be called
Method1, method2 and method3 are called so many times
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Is it what you want ? :
if(input) A ab();
else B ab();
ab.method1(); //this will work