Please can someone help me check my dp and tell me how I can commit this to Github
I made attempt last time I don't know if that was the reason it's not showing me some good options
4 odpowiedzi
Easiest way to commit something to github is by making files on your pc or phone than go to site make some repository than drag and drop your files.
You can also use some commands in cmd or terminal of your editor(i can't remember exacly,but you have documentation of github to read).
I prefer option in vsCode to click on some button and commit to my github, project i finished working on.
But if you need advanced things commands are way to go.
Thanks but I can't even see any options to write this again, is there anyway I can delete all that I have done in git and start afresh?
So you need to delete local git you have and make new one?
You can delete this hidden git file, if you delete folder save your codes on another folder in your pc. This will probably delete all your previous changes to git so you cant reverse old code back using git commands.
This is code you can write to delete, just change directory to your
cd repository-path/
rm -r .git