How do I show a message with input in Python?
I am trying to write a simple program to interact with a user, however I am running into an issue with the way that Python is running it. Code: adore = input ("do you like me? Type yes or no :") print (adore) I was going to write some code to respond to that input. (Yes = aww, thanks!; No = boo to you too) Problem is that the Python module doesn't show the prompt, it just tells the user that they need to input one or several things. How do I add the message to the prompt and show people what to write?
6 odpowiedzi
+ 5
The thing what you're trying to do isn't possible in Sololearn.
Better you try doing it in an interactive ide like pydroid 3 or pycharm
+ 3
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Elle Beedub I have been using PyDroid which you can find on the play store here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.iiec.pydroid3
You can have an input string like you're wanting!
+ 2
Your code has problem it should be like this:
If Adore == "yes" :
elif Adore == "no" :
Print("boo to you")
+ 1
Solo learn can't do that. You have to do an interactive ide like pycharm
Are those apps available for Android?