I’m trying to print out the pets in the first position in the list, i didnt get error but i cant print them out
4 odpowiedzi
Jay Matthews Following your logic i even tried to look for a matching as the first pet in the petlist, in ownerlist.
for a in ownerlist:
if a.pets == petlist[0]:
Something wrong with it?
Jay Matthews ok nice, i’m trying to find which owner has a certain pet, so when i get a match i would print(a.name,a.lastname)
Instead of ”found”
Atleast thats how i’m thinking
Jay Matthews u mean aside from typeofpet, name, gender and age? That would mean the pets had already owners from beginning and it wasnt assigned to them
When i’m making a pet and putting it in the petlist i have to declare an owner also otherwise i will get an error.
Petx= cat(”cat”, ”catname”, ”male”, 4)
This would then cause an error because i didnt give the pet an owner