How many graphic elements are in Tkinter library?

How many graphic elements are in Tkinter library? (Button, Label, Frame etc.)

3rd Apr 2022, 4:58 AM
z::Z::z - avatar
3 odpowiedzi
+ 1
Tkinter, the standard GUI toolkit for Python, provides several graphical elements that you can use to build user interfaces. Here are some commonly used graphic elements in Tkinter: Button: A clickable button widget that performs an action when pressed. Label: A text or image display widget used for showing static content. Entry: A single-line text entry widget where the user can input text. Text: A multi-line text entry and display widget for larger text content. Frame: A container widget used to group and organize other widgets. Checkbutton: A checkbox widget that allows the user to select multiple options. Radiobutton: A set of mutually exclusive radio buttons for single-option selection. Listbox: A widget that displays a list of selectable items. Scrollbar: A widget used to provide scrolling functionality for other widgets. Menu: A menu bar or context menu widget that provides a set of options.
14th Jun 2023, 11:24 AM
Axel00x - avatar
+ 1
These are just a few examples of the graphic elements available in Tkinter. Tkinter also provides additional widgets and features, such as canvas for drawing shapes and images, messagebox for displaying alerts or prompts, and more. You can refer to the Tkinter documentation or online tutorials for a comprehensive list of available graphic elements and their usage in Tkinter.
14th Jun 2023, 11:25 AM
Axel00x - avatar
+ 1
Button Label Entry Text Frame Checkbutton Radiobutton Listbox Scrollbar Menu Menubutton Message Scale Spinbox PanedWindow LabelFrame Canvas Bitmap Image (PhotoImage) Toplevel OptionMenu Combobox Progressbar Separator Treeview Notebook Frame Messagebox (showinfo, showwarning, showerror, askquestion, askokcancel, askyesno, askretrycancel) Dialog (askstring, askinteger, askfloat, askdirectory, askopenfilename, askopenfilenames, asksaveasfilename) ScrolledText Spinbox PanedWindow Scrollbar Sizegrip ImageTk Font Colorchooser Radiobutton Checkbutton Scale Text Canvas Entry Listbox LabelFrame Progressbar Treeview Combobox Separator Notebook OptionMenu ScrolledWindow Table Drag and Drop (DND)
14th Jun 2023, 11:26 AM
Axel00x - avatar