can someone please point out my mistakes , I don't get what is wrong.
/*i want to make a hour to min convertor , but for some reason there are piles of errors showing up ,much bigger than my code plz only point out my mistakes */ #include <iostream> void tomin(int *htpr) { *htpr*=60; std::cout << min; } int main() { int hours; std::cin>>hours; int *htpr; htpr = &hours; std::cout << tomin(htpr); }
7 odpowiedzi
+ 1
Yes. And You can use int return type and return calculated result......
+ 1
// this is my eddited code but still not giving out the exoected output
#include <iostream>
int tomin(int *htpr)
int main()
int hours ;
int *htpr;
htpr = &hours;
std::cout << tomin(htpr);
std::cout << hours;
return 0;
Your function is void type so it don't return anything.. But you expecting to return a value in last statement.
also min is undfined in function. first declars it then assign value and use to print.
you mean the cout function do0es't work in void
what if I add int tomin(*hptr)
if i use
std::cout << hours ;
in function the outcome is the same
#include <iostream>
int tomin(int *htpr)
return *htpr; //because return type int, you should return a int value.
int main()
int hours;
int *htpr;
htpr = &hours;
std::cout << tomin(htpr);
std::cout << hours;
//both output same
return 0;
//since you are doing pass by pointers, this is enough.
#include <iostream>
void tomin(int *htpr)
int main()
int hours;
int *htpr = &hours;
std::cout << hours;
return 0;
// without *htpr, use as tomin(&hour);