Github app
Hello are the file’s activatet from GitHub when i have get them in the GitHub app and in the map (repositories)?
4 odpowiedzi
could you try to rephrase your question?
While I'm not sure what you are asking, I can say that github will require some knowledge with git, and will not work on mobile.
Also, the mobile app is only a reader, you won't be able to edit any code there.
I ask at when the file is in the briefcase “repositories” are they so activeded?
Are u sure it dosent work on mobile and it just for looking?
do you mean activated? I don't understand, a file cannot be activated
and yes, using github on mobile will be a terrible experience, it's meant for desktop development with git. you really should learn git before github.
Yea, so the codes are “ON”, i have i to create my own in the file whit my info.
Yes sorry, iam totally new whit all laughes and codes. I need my mobile and computer sercivity there are a hacker