How do I make a grade computation through Python?
We need to compute grades using Python, but there is a problem with my code and I don't know what it is. Here is the code: # midterm grade # 3 quizzes, 2 homework, 1 term exam # User Inputs print(" Midterm Grade Computation ") q1=int(input ('Enter Quiz 1 Score (20 points): ')) q2=int(input ('Enter Quiz 2 Score (30 points): ')) q3=int(input ('Enter Quiz 3 Score (10 points): ')) hm1=int(input ('Enter Homework 1 Score (20 points): ')) hm2=int(input ('Enter Homework 2 Score (40 points): ')) term_exam=int(input ('Enter Midterm Exam Score (60 points): ')) # Computation qtotal = q1 + q2 +q3 qtotal_percent=(qtotal/60) * 100 hwtotal = hw1 + hw2 hw_percent=(hw/60) * 100 term_exam_percent=(term_exam/60) * 100 grade = (0.30 * qtotal) + (0.20 * hwtotal) + (0.50 * term_exam) #output print("Midterm Grade" + str(grade)) PLEASE HELP ME FIX IT