How to find C/C++ Compiler PATH if it's existing already. I installed CLANGD and C/C++command Adapter and C/C++ extension
Compiler PATH
7 odpowiedzi
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Tina I'll try this procedure of set up.. Thanks for the info and your precious time
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Is CLANGD a Compiler? And what is the extension of a compiler. Is it .dll, .exe, .bin? I don't know how to recognize extension for compiler. May i ask help please
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Liza Tolentino No, I already told it's a plugin.
A compiler consists of many files that are essential for it to run and compile/assemble/link your program.
again if you're on windows you have to look for a ".exe" file, which usually is inside a "bin" sub folder. I don't know what compiler you have downloaded.One famous compiler is "mingw".
So if you have download and installed that, normally in a windows 64 bit the path would be:
I don't even know your OS and the compiler you've downloaded.
A compiler can be integrated with a code editor to make things easier, you write your program in vscode, and with help of an extention of vscode, you can compile and run your program with a single click.
You can also write it in notepad then compile and run it manually.
So, vscode + compiler + some extensions acts like an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). There are other IDEs available, like Microsoft Visual Studio.
An online version of vscode is available at https://vscode.dev/
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Liza Tolentino you can also watch this video
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Tina hi. I found an ". exe" file stored in bin which clangd.exe. Is this a compiler?
Liza Tolentino if you're on windows you have to search for it yourself and then add it to your PATH manually (some installations do it but most don't) so try to remember where did you install it. Usually will be something like "c:\compiler\bin" or "c:\program files\compiler\bin" . but on linux it's already installed and is in the PATH (like gcc). now , clangd is a plugin and I guess you want it for vscode. but c/c++ extension is most likely enough. for clangd there are additional steps to take care of, I never needed that, try following link:
Tena do you not given my message answer