Book management without file handling simple

Create class for Book management system to hold book ISBN,13 digit format,title of the book,author name,price of the book,publishing year.Write a program that performs following operations: 1:Add book information 2:Display Book information 3:Search by Book Id,name,Author name 4:List of books of any author 5:Exit

12th Apr 2017, 6:32 AM
Hamza Asif
Hamza Asif - avatar
2 odpowiedzi
for(int i=0; i<t; i++) if(b[i].title==s){ cout<<"Book with title "<<s<<" is found"<<endl; b[i].displayBook(); flag=false; break; } if(flag) cout<<"Book is not found"<<endl; } if(n==3){ flag=true; cout<<"Enter book author to search : "<<endl; cin>>author; for(int i=0; i<t; i++) if(b[i].author==author){ cout<<"Book with author "<<author<<" is found"<<endl; b[i].displayBook(); flag=false; break; } if(flag) cout<<"Book is not found"<<endl; } if(n==4) break; }while(true); case 4: cout<<"Enter author name : "<<endl; cin>>author; for(int i=0; i<t; i++) if(b[i].author==author){ b[i].displayBook(); } break; case 5: return 0; break; } }while(true); return 0; }
21st Apr 2017, 5:42 AM
luqman sharif
luqman sharif - avatar
#include<iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <string> using namespace std; class Book{ private: int t; int yearPublished; float price; public: int id; string title, author; void addBook(); void displayBook(); }; void Book::addBook(){ cout<<"please Enter book id : "; cin>>id; cout<<"please Enter book title Name : "; cin>>title; cout<<"please Enter book author Name : "; cin>>author; cout<<"please Enter price of Book : "; cin>>price; cout<<"please Enter the publishing year of the Book : "; cin>>yearPublished; cout<<"========================================="<<endl; cout<<endl; } void Book::displayBook(){ cout<<"Book ID is= "<<id<<endl; cout<<"Book Title is = "<<title<<endl; cout<<"Book Author Name is = "<<author<<endl; cout<<"Book Price Is = "<<price<<endl; cout<<"Book Publishing Year is = "<<yearPublished<<endl<<endl; cout<<"==================================="<<endl; } int main(){ int opt; int t; string author; bool flag; cout<<"=========welcome to Book mangement system=========\n********please Enter no of books you want to add record*******: "<<endl; cin>>t; Book b[t]; do{ cout<<"Enter the following : "<<endl; cout<<"1. Add books information"<<endl; cout<<"2. Display books information"<<endl; cout<<"3. Search book"<<endl; cout<<"4. List all books of any author"<<endl; cout<<"5. Exit"<<endl; cout<<"==================================="<<endl; cin>>opt; switch(opt){ case 1: for(int i=0; i<t; i++) b[i].addBook(); break; case 2: for(int i=0; i<t; i++) b[i].displayBook(); break; case 3: int n; do{ cout<<"1. Search by id "<<endl; cout<<"2. Search by title "<<endl; cout<<"3. Search by author "<<endl; cout<<"4. Exit "<<endl; cout<<"=========================="<<endl; cin>>n; if(n==1){ int x; flag=true; cout<<"Enter book id to search: "<<endl; cin>>x; for(int i=0; i<t; i++) if(b[i].id==x){ cout<<"Book with id "<<x<<" is found"<<endl; b[i].displayBook(); flag=false; } if(flag) cout<<"Book is not found"<<endl; } if(n==2){ string s;
21st Apr 2017, 5:43 AM
luqman sharif
luqman sharif - avatar