What is the best coding language to learn to build an on demand delivery app? I am new to coding but ready learn!

Currently I am learning JavaScript but I’m curious if this will be the best coding language to learn in order to create a fully function on-demand delivery app. Any ideas? Thank you!

28th Jul 2023, 1:23 AM
Cameron Kolb
6 odpowiedzi
+ 1
Cameron Kolb JavaScript is a great choice for building an on-demand delivery app, especially for beginners. With JavaScript, you can develop both the frontend (user interface) and the backend (server-side) of your application. It also has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, and Node.js, which are commonly used in web development. Additionally, you might want to explore technologies like HTML and CSS to handle the app's layout and styling. Furthermore, learning about databases like MongoDB or SQL will help you manage and store the app's data effectively. As you progress, you may also encounter other languages and technologies like Python, Swift, or Java, depending on the specific requirements of your app. However, starting with JavaScript will give you a strong foundation and flexibility for developing a functional on-demand delivery app. Happy learning!
29th Jul 2023, 1:10 PM
‎ ຸ
+ 4
A delivery app is for me not clear, but JavaScript is a good choice. Maybe you confused Java with JavaScript, because in your profile I see that you started the Java tutorial.
28th Jul 2023, 8:38 AM
JaScript - avatar
+ 4
It also depends on what kind of app you mean. Android is Kotlin native and was Java, so both of those are pretty good starting places. However, they are not the only languages you can use. You can convert other languages with a bit of research. Apple is Swift, again, I think you can convert to that if you need to. Online apps need whatever online languages you're comfortable with, JavaScript is among them but you could use PHP.
28th Jul 2023, 9:10 AM
Ausgrindtube - avatar
+ 1
Please do refer this basic code for delivery app: https://code.sololearn.com/W7664SALMaz8/?ref=app Hope this helps!
29th Jul 2023, 1:14 PM
‎ ຸ
Cameron Kolb hi you need not learn any language for this. There are several ways to create apps without learning them.
29th Jul 2023, 12:47 PM
‎ ຸ
So, how to create a delivery service app?In this blog: https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/on-demand-delivery-app-development-cost/ going through the advantages it can have for your company, and offering advice on how to create an app with the help of an on-demand app development company that exceeds users’ expectations.
20th Nov 2023, 5:17 PM
Ksusha Holovach
Ksusha Holovach - avatar