+ 4

how to refill the heart in sololearn ?

heart was gone , and i need the heart to continue learning plz give me a hint

2nd Dec 2023, 3:29 PM
zay yar
zay yar - avatar
30 odpowiedzi
+ 6
StuartH I'm on android app v4.57.0, and it works for me. Emma Strienko yeaaa if it turns bold it should work, wut even. Haven't experienced tagging not working🤔🤔🤔
3rd Dec 2023, 3:25 PM
Mohammed shoaib
+ 11
How can I refill my Hearts? You lose a Heart each time you make a mistake in a lesson. If you run out of Hearts, you can refill them in any of the following ways: Auto-refill: Your Hearts will automatically refill every 5 hours. The Hearts refill countdown starts once you make the first mistake. Making another mistake after doesn’t reset the countdown. Note that you get the whole package at once, not one by one. Bits: If you don’t want to wait for auto-refill, you can use your Bits to refill your Hearts. The option is available when you lose all your Hearts. You can only use Bits to refill once in every 5-hour period. Take a Quiz (only on Web): Earn one Heart by completing a Quiz. This option is available only when you lose all your Hearts and have completed enough lessons in a Course to generate 10 quiz questions. To complete the quiz you should make no more than three mistakes. You can earn one Heart by taking an extra practice only once in every 5-hour period. PRO subscription – Buy a PRO subscription to have infinite chances to make mistakes without worrying about losing Hearts. The unlimited practice is available as long you have a PRO subscription. If it expires, you start with full set of Hearts and lose all your privileges.
3rd Dec 2023, 12:23 AM
Joel Ende Nathaniel
Joel Ende Nathaniel - avatar
+ 7
Emma Strienko 60 code bits omg🥴 i just had one or two bits lol🤧
2nd Dec 2023, 4:41 PM
zay yar
zay yar - avatar
+ 7
Sorry If heart Is Broken Then It's Hard to refill ( Joke) you Can use yours bits For That
3rd Dec 2023, 6:48 AM
SUJAN - avatar
+ 5
U can buy it with your code bits, u need 60 code bits to refill your hearts
2nd Dec 2023, 4:20 PM
Emma Strienko
Emma Strienko - avatar
+ 5
2nd Dec 2023, 11:52 PM
Joel Ende Nathaniel
Joel Ende Nathaniel - avatar
+ 3
i really don't know how to tell you hints Emma Strienko so sorry for that 😥
3rd Dec 2023, 3:26 PM
zay yar
zay yar - avatar
+ 3
zay yar same same
3rd Dec 2023, 8:49 PM
Mohammed shoaib
+ 2
If so, u need to wait for about 5 hours to refill your hearts, and I recommend u to start with easy courses and try to earn as much code bits as u can then u won't even be worried about your heart because u have enough code bits to refill it 😉 And one question can you tell me how to answer someone questions directly using their's name because I can't find any button or like it to answer a question
2nd Dec 2023, 5:07 PM
Emma Strienko
Emma Strienko - avatar
+ 2
Emma Strienko i use this sign ' @ ' which on the keyboard . when you put this sign on the keyboad, the names(who comment you and your firends) will come along on the screen and you can choose one which you want to answer their comment by their name.( note . you touched this sign you need to continue writing the first letter of the name which you want to answer their comment)
3rd Dec 2023, 6:57 AM
zay yar
zay yar - avatar
+ 2
As far as I've noticed, you get one heart refilled every 5 hours after you start depleting them
3rd Dec 2023, 8:13 AM
Mohammed shoaib
+ 2
zay yar thank you, I put the @ and the first letter and your name apear but I think it still doesn't work 🤔
3rd Dec 2023, 9:25 AM
Emma Strienko
Emma Strienko - avatar
+ 2
Mohammed shoaib yes right but on this day i saw a sentence just like ' your heart will refill in 0 hours and 0 minutes 'on the screen and the time is stopping ! therefore i just post .but now the heart is fulled. so sorry for annoys
3rd Dec 2023, 3:50 PM
zay yar
zay yar - avatar
+ 2
zay yar no worries, im more annoys at sololearn bruh Yeaa, maybe it's just glitching out a little cuz they updated it or something? Hate how I've to wait 5 hours only to get one heart now, in contrast to getting 3 hearts before
3rd Dec 2023, 3:54 PM
Mohammed shoaib
+ 2
Emma strienko 50 code bits omg😱 I just had one or two bits lol😂
4th Dec 2023, 10:19 AM
Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar - avatar
+ 1
EDIT: I'm incorrect. See answer from Emma Strienko! There are only 2 ways to do this. Wait and let them refill on their own slowly. Pay for pro access and get unlimited hearts. Up to you which you choose!
2nd Dec 2023, 4:15 PM
StuartH - avatar
+ 1
Oh! I stand corrected sorry 🙂
2nd Dec 2023, 4:21 PM
StuartH - avatar
+ 1
StuartH thz for your hints 😊
2nd Dec 2023, 4:38 PM
zay yar
zay yar - avatar
+ 1
JOEL thz for your comment💓 it is very helfful for me
3rd Dec 2023, 6:42 AM
zay yar
zay yar - avatar
+ 1
SUJAN thz bro 😊
3rd Dec 2023, 1:59 PM
zay yar
zay yar - avatar