SQL Intermediate Union module
You're working with the library books database and the Books table has columns id, name, year and author_id which is not mentioned and maybe null or empty. The library has new books whose information is stored in another table called New, however they don't have a year column but does have a name and id column. Write a query to select the books from both tables, Books and New, combining their data. For the year column of the New books use the value 2022. Also, select only the book that are released after the year 1900. The result set should contain the name and year columns, only ordered by the name column alphabetically. The New book table will not permit me to alter or change each New file via manual entering each column, i.e., such as Alter keyword and it's already auto numbered. I'm speaking on how to enter data in what's an existing file. I would go into more detail since I left SQL Intermediate alone for months and this module bugged many. Why didn't anyone tell me about the author_id column?