Hi all, I'm having difficulty with the code coach 'Popsicles'. I know it's easy and you have to determine whether one value divided by the other is integer or float, but I'm not sure how to determine this. If type(value) == '<class 'int'>' is producing an error. Can anyone help?
9 odpowiedzi
+ 3
Using modulo is the most direct solution, which was already described by others.
If you wish not to use modulo, there is a simple alternative to determine whether a value is integer or not - regardless of variable type. Check whether the value is the same after converting it to int.
if value==int(value):
+ 6
You did not specify the programming language.
Generally, to determine if a number is divisible by another, you can use the modulo operator (%)
+ 4
popsicles % siblings
This operation gives the remainder after dividing the number of popsicles by the number of siblings. If it is zero, that means you can give them away because it is divisible.
+ 4
And your attempt was giving a syntax error because you cannot nest an apostrophe inside another apostrophe-enclosed string.
Generally you should not rely on type() function, maybe very rarely. Especially in case of float division. Depending on the rest of your code, the value may always be a float or always be an int, regardless of the actuals numbers involved.
+ 3
Sorry, I am using python.
+ 3
You can check if a variable is a type of integer or float. For example:
num_a = 123
print(type(num_a) == int) # True
num_b = 3.14
print(type(num_b) == float) # True
If you learned about class and want to check if a variable is an instance of certain class, you can use isinstance() method. For example:
class my_class():
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
test_object = my_class('Technocrat')
print(isinstance(test_object, my_class)) # True
In general, type() and instance() are not used in a working program.
However, it is useful to run them in the interpreter to see the result on the fly.
+ 2
I have a custom function that will help with just that kind of thing.
just put this code after defining the function:
if type(ripi(popsicles/2))==int:
print ("give away")
elif type(ripi(popsicles/2))==float
print("eat them yourself")
+ 1
Nice one. Thanks. I have completed the Introduction to python course and % wasn't mentioned there, as far as I remember.
siblings = int(input())
popsicles = int(input())
#your code goes here
if popsicles % siblings == 0:
print('give away')
print('eat them yourself')