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Why this to hard to get client

28th Sep 2024, 3:36 PM
Anupam Kumar
Anupam Kumar - avatar
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+ 3
SoloLearn helps you learn the very basics of programming, but it does not prepare you for a career as an employee or as a freelancer. Either option, clients and employers will want to see proof you can write useful code. For that, they typically want to see projects you've done. This is where GitHub is very helpful. You can create a few projects and load them there. That way people can see code you've actually written. They will look at a few things. - How many projects have you written? - What complexity are those projects? - How good is the code within those projects? They will also look for any open source projects you might be contributing to. The idea is that they want to know you are a serious programmer and are capable of producing professional grade applications. Beyond that, they also want to see that you can solve programming problems. For that, leetcode.com is excellent. You can practice problem solving there. Those are very challenging. Being able to accomplish a bunch of those tasks, and regular participation, will show you have a lot of activity there and that helps as well. It also helps to have your own website which you've coded yourself. But those are only to prove you are skilled. Finding customers or employers is another very hard challenge. You can list yourself on various sites like linkedin.com, fiver.com, and a bunch of other freelance sites. Do some small cheap projects to prove yourself on those sites, and you can evolve into a freelancer from there. For me, I also attended a number of networking events in my city and met people. I agreed to do projects for them cheaply to get my first few under my belt. Then I raised my prices as I built my history. I referenced those clients on my website. Continued networking. And eventually I had all the work I could handle. But it probably took a year to get off the ground as a freelancer. Knowing how to code is step 1 of many steps. Now, prove you have skills and get the word out in as many ways as possible.
28th Sep 2024, 5:21 PM
Jerry Hobby
Jerry Hobby - avatar