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Should Sololearn change the front-end Angular Portion?
So, I've asked around and apparently Angular is old, and also on tiktok I see people saying as a front end dev react.js should be learnt instead, I think Sololearn should replate the Angular portion with react.js. Because currently its like learning Win95 even though Win11 exists
8 odpowiedzi
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Jerry Hobby true react.js has a huge fan base and a great community. I've used react.js myself for years, but Angular is Google's not Facebook's baby. When Facebook developers abandoned react.js a group of outside developers jumped at the opportunity to keep it alive.
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Matthew Matiyenga
Angular is not old ...
The current version of Angular is v18, which was released on April 24, 2024.
Sololearn actually had a member of Google's Angular team work with and launch the current course here ...
+ 5
Matthew Matiyenga
Angular is not even close to be old.
It's modern, fast, and powerful framework from Google. It helps developers work efficiently, with a consistent structure and a CLI for building, testing, and deoloying.
On the other hand, react is from Facebook, released on 2013. It more popular mostly because it's easy to learn, and also lightweight.
Also, I'd recommend not solely depend on tiktok only, try to explore online for more accurate information 😉
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I don't know how many people use Angular or how popular it is. I have used REACT and like it just fine. :)
SoloLearn does remove courses when they are too old. Unfortunately it can take some time before the replacements show up. Lately I think they are more focused on creating new AI content.
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BroFar thanks for that clarification. I was wondering myself.
Hello, can some please help me
I have an assessment of on algorith by just looping 20 trees. I never been a programmer
Angular i much better to start with then react. Please stick with angular but please ad some other courses like how to learn CRUD.