Copy elision vs rvo
What is difference between copy elision and return value optimization?
4 odpowiedzi
+ 2
Ketan Lalcheta Return Value Optimization is a subset of Copy Elision.
Both are compiler optimizations designed to avoid resource/time costly copying of Class objects.
Return Value Optimization focuses only on avoiding these copies in regard to functions which return-by-value.
A distinction is made between 2 forms of RVO:
👉 named RVO - variable for Class object is created inside function and later passed as return value
👉 unnamed RVO - Class object created directly in the function's return statement
Copy Elision more broadly covers:
👉 function return-by-value of Class objects
👉 initializing a Class object from another object of same Class
👉 passing Object values in try/throw - catch exception handling
In the C++17 standard, certain categories of copy elision should be guaranteed to always occur,
Especially unnamed return value optimization.
+ 2
The question should be
When is copy elision used in RVO.
"Copy elision is a technique to skip calling the copy constructor so as not to pay for the overhead."
That's the part that caught my attention from this SO thread:
+ 2
Bob_Li copy elision is always used in RVO.
Or more correctly, RVO always uses copy elision.
RVO is just the most common example of copy elision. That and the fact a distinction is made between named and unnamed RVO is why RVO has its own term.
+ 2
Shardis Wolfe
yes, but under what conditions will the compiler enforce it? Feels like a good subject to explore.