+ 20

How much XP do we receive for the course master badge?

When I got the badge, I got none.

20th Apr 2017, 5:32 PM
Chirag Bhansali
Chirag Bhansali - avatar
5 odpowiedzi
20th Apr 2017, 5:56 PM
Frost - avatar
+ 20
@Agus: I didn't get even 1xp.
23rd Apr 2017, 2:41 AM
Chirag Bhansali
Chirag Bhansali - avatar
+ 13
The informaton about XP for the course master badge is still missing. If anyone knows how much points you get for achieving that badge, pls tell Ajay (link mentioned by Frost) and Ram: https://code.sololearn.com/WPWPl1tlA2fO/?ref=app
20th Apr 2017, 7:06 PM
Tashi N
Tashi N - avatar
+ 11
really? i remember get some poin back then. maybe you should send email to Sololearn. i read some user don't get code badge after their 5 code get more than 5 upvote. and the other user recommended to send to Sololearn so the will get badge in 5 - 6 hours.
23rd Apr 2017, 3:08 AM
Agus Mei
Agus Mei - avatar
+ 9
i think it is less than 400 xp.
23rd Apr 2017, 2:17 AM
Agus Mei
Agus Mei - avatar