What are variables... I m not able to understand the real significance.. Please explain me
7 odpowiedzi
Variables are used to store values.
Variables are used to store values.
Variables have a name, a data type and a value.
There are a few days types:
int, unsigned int, long int, short int, short unsigned, etc.
double, unsigned double, etc.
float, unsigned float, etc.
A variable is an undefined character that can be used to store values such as numbers and words
t's a selection of numbers or letters, I.e. a variable can be A or 1 or Aor1, as long as it is defined by an integer. So, int A; int 1; int Aor1; or.whatever you put in after your integer is your variable and it can be defined outside of your main function or inside. example of definition of variable is int A = 100; this is a defined variable to the number 100. hard to explain in the way your asking but I do understand the confusion.
variable is thing which can vary in whole program bt in programming language it is use to store an any value . it is a memory location which is use to store an any value like int,char,real e.t.c
int a;
in above 'a' is the identifer or name of variable which having any loction in memory tht take integer type of value to store thn tht is called as variable
variable mean a number like 1,2,3,4 etc that can change according to condition. suppose you are a buyer and want to buy a book .Monday price is 7$ ,Tuesday 8$ ,Thursday 10$ then price of book is variable that is changing according to condition.
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