+ 1

What do u think..

of my bubblesort? and how to implement the timer correctly? https://code.sololearn.com/c6zJCwwaCT61/?ref=app

30th Apr 2017, 7:46 PM
Jprom - avatar
4 odpowiedzi
+ 2
it is a algorithm for sorting numbers. if you have unsorted numbers you can use this algorithm for sorting. this can be usefull in various applications like aranging products starting from the cheapest
30th Apr 2017, 8:11 PM
Jprom - avatar
+ 1
I'm actually having problems with bubble sort. How and in which case would I use it?
30th Apr 2017, 8:08 PM
Adiel Cowo
Adiel Cowo - avatar
+ 1
did that help you?
30th Apr 2017, 10:09 PM
Jprom - avatar
+ 1
It did. Thank you!
30th Apr 2017, 10:11 PM
Adiel Cowo
Adiel Cowo - avatar