+ 5
Where is the best place for a newbie to start?
I am totally new to it all. I enjoy it so far but I have no direction in mind, other than I wish to continue. any advice or direction would be much appreciated.
7 odpowiedzi
+ 16
work out what you want to be able to do with coding and then that will allow you to see a clearer path of languages.
+ 12
hi buddy.
I was standing right where you are just a few months ago and i had the same question u have right now.
as a newbie I suggest you not to pay any tutor and/or website right now. you should first learn all the basic things that are available for free.
Each website has a basics(introduction) course which is free ( most of the times..). I recommend you to go to all of them and learn all of it ONE AT A TIME. I know you asked for one direction and i am saying u to go to all directions but trust me it's worth it!
you see the trick is that, some topics might be considered as basic by someone, while someone might not include them in their basic course. (and trust me, no one gives u lessons for how make Artificial intelligence in their basic course. So u don't need to worry about facing difficult stuff in your beginning)
This way you will end up with a lot of knowledge for free
Here are some websites or YouTube channels where i found good free stuff to learn
1. cleverprogrammer.com
2. cleverprogrammer (channel)
3. khanacademy.org ( they have JS, HTML, CSS and SQL lessons to learn)
4. sentdex(channel specificaly for python)
5. codecademy.com
6. udacity.com
7. udemy.com
8. MIT free cources
but remaimber you must go through one cource after another ..
keep learning! :-)
+ 11
in front of the computer
+ 3
you have to set a target for yourself and work towards that.
If you need to learn Any Course, I will advice you to get a very good book on it. don't rely on only one knowledge.
but since you are new, you can start searching online for good sites to help you grasp the concept, else sololearn will suffice.
when you think you're done with a particular sololearn course, start searching for those books and improve yourself.....talking from experience
+ 2
try out different things and you'll determine eventually what you like
+ 1
on earth