Could someone explain the code below and what the result would be
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int res = 0; int i = 1; for(;i<10;i+=3){ if(10/i==2) continue; res+=i; } cout<<res; return 0; }
3 odpowiedzi
+ 3
As the increment in the for loop is 3 beggining in i=1 and ending at i<10... only three times the code in the for loop it's executed... first time i=1, second time i=4 and third time i=7.. the next iteration i equals 10 which don't satysfies the condition i<10...
When the code inside the for loop it's executed.. only when i=4 is that 10/i equals 2 (remember that is a integer division and ignores decimals so 10/4 == 2)... only in the other two cases (i=1 and i =7) is the res+=i stament executed... beginning with res=0 you get:
1.- res+=1 -> res=0+1 -> res=1
2.- res+=7 -> res=1+7 -> res=8
After that.. it gets out of the for loop with res=8 and the cout << res it's executed...
Hope it helped.
l ran the code and it gave me 8 but l want to know how it gets to 8