+ 14
The user does not accept challenges with the selected weapon. This is cheating...
Challenge declined! The user does not accept challenges with the selected weapon but can challenge someone else with the same weapon. I think challenging with a disabled weapon should be disallowed. A user challenged me and I couldn't challenge back, arhhhgg! This is cheating.
51 odpowiedzi
+ 35
^_^ this is strategy!!...
+ 24
(@jay the reason we re-challenge someone (most of the times) is because we lost.....)
+ 23
as @ValentinHacker said
that is strategy.
there are no rule that againt it.
+ 21
Wisdom this is for you
+ 19
Huh. How is it cheating?
This is how I understand what happened (am I right?)
They challenge you. you win or lose. (i say you won). You then challenge them back. they say no you are too good.. how is this cheating?
+ 19
This might have afraid your opponent because your opponent's level must be too low as compared to your level. I can say this as this has happened with me in simple HTML challenge.
+ 19
"This is strategy", I lyk that 😂
+ 16
well there is nothing to make you accept a challenge, you can always decline it or let it expire. I think it's actually better that that option exsists, that way you don't waste your challenge limit on challenges that are never gonna be answered anyway.
+ 15
@Valentin arrr ok. still not cheating as far as I can see
+ 15
1.. someone challege u 2.. u lose 3.. u request re-match 4.. winner decline or req weapon chg 5.. winner has noHonor but should have the option to decline a challenge
what do i think of this:
1.. someone challenge u 2.. should u have the option of choosing what weapon is used ? (one that both have comparable skill)
+ 14
All those high rankers out there, please spare us. We are just developing skills and it isn't fair to let us grow until we are good enough to respond to challenges.
+ 14
Wisdom has both wisdom and courage.
+ 12
And I think we have a firm conclusion that it's the opponent's choice whether to accept or decline. And we can close this topic, saying it is resolved
+ 11
@Wisdom I see what has occured now.. Yeah thats not very nice.
+ 11
I agree with Nikolay. It is a person's personal choice plus how insecure they feel about going against a good player that affect the likelihood of getting an answered challenge. And yeah, I just lost to a weaker person than me in Python and I lost 25xp while I am sure he gained like 37xp. You can't have this happening all thetime.
+ 11
@Femyk, I didn't bother to challenge again. It's scary. lol
+ 10
COUGH COUGH I see that as a good strategy for beginners but if you're half way to becoming the next Nikolay then I don't think it's right
+ 10
Hehehe... @Wisdom. Badooos!
+ 10
Thanks Nomeh, see you among soon.
+ 9
You must be ready to lose or win when you challenged or you're being challenged.