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Is Python better than Ruby?
3 odpowiedzi
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Hard question. First of all, Python is seen as an easy to learn language, it's good for beginners. Ruby is a lot like Python. Ruby is a extremely object oriented language, just like Perl.
Python is a little more... popular than Ruby, this means more libraries and documentation, however, Ruby is more complete if we talk about object-oriented programming and, also, is more flexible.
It's up to you. I tried Ruby before Python and to me, they're both "the same". They are fairly similar.
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Well, that's another thing... I found difficult to learn Ruby from the available documentation, but not Ruby on Rails. I mean, there's more documentation about RoR, than Ruby itself. The Rails framework make it really easy to create web applications in few minutes. However, you really need to know and to understand Ruby to work the back-end. Rails is just the framework, nothing more.
I've tried Ruby as well with Rails framework. However, I don't see clear differences between them. In terms of usefulness, Python seems to have the lead based on the extent of libraries available.