+ 8
Be careful if you have a HP laptop.
Your HP laptop may be quietly recording everything you are typing on your Hewlett-Packard (HP) keyboard.Thorsten Schroeder from the Switzerland-based security firm Modzero has found a built-in keylogger (MicTray64.exe or MicTray.exe) in an HP audio driver that record all your keystrokes. The issue, according to Schroeder, is that keystrokes are logged to a file in the C:\Users\Public\MicTray.log. Keystrokes are sent on to the OutputDebugString debugging API, allowing a process to reach the data via the MapViewOfFile function. Are you affected or not? Check the following files in your system, if they exist then you are affected by the keylogger: C:\Windows\System32\MicTray64.exe C:\Windows\System32\MicTray.exe
10 odpowiedzi
+ 18
Really ??? Thanks
+ 5
Ohhhh :O
Thanks for sharing
Btw I didn't use hp at all
+ 4
so do we delete that directory
+ 4
Its always pleasure to help.
+ 3
Modzero security firm recommends that you delete or rename the executable files (MicTray64.exe or MicTray.exe) and the MicTray.log log file from \Users\Public, so that no keystrokes are recorded anymore, until a fix becomes available
+ 3
Thanks bro
+ 3
same case for Asus