+ 5
Java: DataTypes/ Primitive. Non-Primitive. int. Arrays boolean. Strings float. Self. defined Objects double. etc... long short bye char q) Is there a way to tell if a data type is non-primitive? Yea, look at the capitol letters 😜. (is the first letter in caps?) Constants are variables that cannot change in value once defined. Denoted with the keyword 'final'. Ex/ final float PI = 3.14; This is a constant. Now it is impossible to change its value. Ex/ final float PI = 3.14; PI = 3.1415; // ERROR decimals: double > float Whole numbers: long > int > short > byte True or false: boolean Character: char Denoted ' ' Ex/ char a = 'a'; Bunch of characters: String Denoted " " Ex/ String word = "hello";
15th May 2017, 3:46 PM
Rrestoring faith
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