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what is difference between AND and BETWEEN
7 odpowiedzi
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AND is used whenever we need to satisfy all the constraints specified in our query whereas BETWEEN is used whenever we need to retrieve data from a given set(range of values).I hope this answers your question.
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You can think that BETWEEN shall be used just if you have a lower and upper limit for the selection and those limits are of the same type. Instead, if you have two conditions, not necessarily of the same type (may be a character and a numeric) you need to use AND.
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Ex. Select name from students where lastname ='abc' and age=21; now here both conditions shall be satisfied for expecting an outcome.
But if we say select name from students where age between 17 and 21; here it checks just age parameter.
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i'll give you an example .... if you want to select a customer whose age between 20 and 30 ..simply you can use AND and write ~....BETWEEN 20 AND 30 ..but if you need to select a customer whose age btween 20 and 30 and alse live in USA you must use AND and write ~... WHOSE Aage>=20 AND age<=40 AND city='USA'
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AND is used when you need more then 1 specific and BETWEEN is used when you want to do something with data that is between for example SELECT customers FROM mytable WHERE customer_id=5 AND cart_value BETWEEN 200 AND 2000;
first AND is used to ensure that selection will select next statment (BETWEEN), AND used after between ensures that price range is 200-2000
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AND used to addition for something
between mains the thing which was in the two things
And means 2 conditions to be fulfilled, between gives us a range.