+ 3
Anyone want to be a tester for me?
I have been trying to fix some scaling issues in my app. I only have Galaxy S5 and Galaxy S7 to test it on. If you have a minute and a device that is not one of these, I could use some feedback. Issues trying to be resolved- Main Menu Screen ... Buttons were HUGE on some devices and partially off the screen. Game Play Screen ... Part of the play area was cut off on some screens. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.justinhill.minefield Thanks In Advance!
32 odpowiedzi
+ 3
WOW. My record is 124! OMG
+ 3
Thats cool, tho
+ 3
The trick is to get the purple one as fast as possible. because your score is going down the whole time it exists, plus everytime the purple hits a mine and destroys it your score goes down 25.
When you get 2 purples you get a shield. That makes you safe from hitting 5 mines, plus if you do hit mines you destroy the mine and get 100 points. Plus if you are selective on which mines you destroy you can keep areas from closing off.
Normal scoring from getting the green ball is 2*mines.. So the more mines on screen the more points you get. The farther you get the faster your score goes up
+ 3
The trick is to tap the buttons. Baby steps. Long sweeping moves are no good. takes some getting use to, but with a little practice you can move it in and out of tight areas very precisely
+ 2
The buttons fit perfectly now👌😊
Good work!
+ 2
Ohh, but the gameplay is weird now :S
I am just dying after some time.
And then I am stuck on the ground and dying like 10 times per second.
Better move the ball back to the middle of the screen like in the previous version (:
+ 2
Strange gameplay, but addicting! Liked!
+ 2
tried it, it's not bad :)
+ 2
Umm can you remove ads also?
+ 2
LG K10 (not the new one). The new update wasn't helpful.
+ 2
Thanks! Now I just need some competition on score. nobody has came anywhere close. technically nobody has a score that would crack my top 10 list lol.
+ 2
My record is 322 😂
+ 2
Get 15 green balls to make a purple appear.
+ 2
Next time I have time, I'll try!
+ 2
lemme check it in the morning... bet its cool
+ 2
My Logic for my TicTacToe CPU
------------------------------ Check For Win Then Block
123 .. 1,2 - 1,3 - 2,3
456 .. 4,5 - 6,5 - 6,4
789 .. 7,8 - 7,9 - 8,9
147 .. 1,4 - 1,7 - 4,7
258 .. 2,5 - 5,8 - 8,5
369 .. 3,6 - 3,9 - 6,9
159 .. 1,5 - 5,9 - 1,9
357 .. 3,5 - 3,7 - 5,7
------------------------------ Check Corners
1 3 7 9
------------------------------ Check Middle
------------------------------ Check Up/Down/Right/Left
2 4 6 8
+ 1
@Justin when I was playing, I touched the ad mistakely
+ 1
@Justin also I found a problem. I can't go half top of the area. Is this a problem about scaling?
+ 1
Yes, probably. I have posted an update for it. Maybe it will help. What android device are you using if ya don't mind my asking?