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Using IoT to control centre pivot
I would like to create my own device to control a centre pivot using IoT. I was considering using something like Raspberry Pi or Arduino. A computer engineer told me that I must rather use micro controllers. Does the programming for micro controllers work the same as for the Pi? I'm busy learning Python 3.
8 odpowiedzi
+ 4
I am almost certain you find a sample code on the Arduino development playground to get what you want, no worries my friend. ...
+ 4
Beware that if you're planning a remote connection between your project and your pc a good quality wifi dongle on your Rpi will outlast any Esp8266 model in terms of range and (drawback) power consumption.
If range is critical consider using directional antennae (cantenna is a cheap working solution)
If you decide to go for several Esp8266 you can extend the network making them work as wifi bridges but it will add compications to your infrastructure.
Connecting an arduino to the pi will allow to handle the sensors/actuators in an easily and safer way (drawback also here) in expense of a greater power consumption.
Arduino is the simplest and better documented way to have your ATMega 328 MCU working. Although it's not the most efficient, it's definitely the way to go when starting from scratch.
+ 3
Arduino is a micro controller, that engineer probably never heard from Arduino. Your IoT can be easily controlled by the Arduino series of micro controllers like the Uno, Mega or even the mini versions. No worries and you find enough sample files how to use and make software and hardware to actually control your whole house if you want.
Enjoy a lot Gys and let us know howvyour progress is going. I even advice to get yourself also a Raspberry PI model 3 b to be setup as your server. This way you won't tie up your computer or laptop. Both of those devices are ideal to be wirking to getter. They have a low power consumption are small sizes and very versatile.
Have a lot of fun Gys.
+ 3
@Gys : Your thinking the correct way. Establish connection by the three options like WiFi, Bluetooth and of course GSM 4G LTE this way you have several option to control different devices at home by means of a simple smartphone.
Just one important tip I want to pass to you. Make sure that you use strong passwords to orotect your system so no one gets into your home by using a simple device...
Make sure if you use cameras that they are protected too. These day's you can't be ignore safety. Have fun... There are plenty if examples on the internet, but never just use a code without checking it first and perhaps change a bit on the code to get the same result but on a little bit of different way.
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What IoT controller are you going to use?
There are many modifications from different manufacturers.
I mean arduino and raspberry pi are not themselves IoT devices.
I have some experience with ESP8266-07 IoT modules. You can program it in LUA or Arduino to interact with sensors, relays and so on.
Then you can program it to send those data to an Arduino or Raspberry pi. Or you can program an IoT module to be a web server which will listen to incoming client requests by http protocol and send them response with sensor values.
+ 2
You can use Raspberry pi or Arduino, which allows you to program it using High level language like Python and C++. Its performance is as good as most of the common micro-controller like 8051.
The additional features of Rasp-pi like readiness of network and Pc peripheral connectivity and web server, which most micro-controllers are not possible to do it without additional hardware designs.
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Thanks guys for the replies. I bought a Pi 3 b. Still busy learning how it works and how to control the GPIO pins. I also bought a Adeept sensor kit for the Pi part of my learning, still waiting for it to be delivered. I was also considering to use ESP 8266 for my IoT or maybe a gsm module as the pivot is out in the field far from wi fi connections.
+ 1
@Annatoli. Thanks for the tips. I think my biggest challenge will be the code for the user to input a percentage value that the pivot must operate and that input must be used to contol the 380 volt motors to operate for a certain amount of time then stop for the same amount of time and then start again. This will be repetitive until the pivot completes one revolution.