Does amstrad coding language still exist?
when i was 6 i use to code my own games for amstrad using parts of diffrent codes out of a book does this language still exist maby in a diffrent form??
3 odpowiedzi
+ 4
They used Basic and machine code. If you Google it, you will get much more information than could be provided here. I learned Basic on my VIC20 in 1980.
+ 2
Refering to CPC series, Amstrad provide a Locomotive(TM) specific flavour of BASIC in ROM (but it was not at all an "amstrad coding language") as well as they were build upon the Z80 8 bits processor (so the root machine language of Amstrad CPC series was the Z80 assembly language) and was able to run any language interpreter coded for the Z80 cpu and CPC hardware ^^