Help me to correct these codes
public class Program { String Name; int Age; double Height; static void Naitwa(String name){ System.out.println("Naitwa " + name); } static void age(){ Syetem.out.println("My age is 24 years old"); } static void height(){ System.out.println("i am 240cm"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Naitwa("Faridi Sadick"); mwana age = new mwana(); mwana height = new mwana(); age.age(); height.height(); } }
3 odpowiedzi
+ 5
/* Better indenting your code could save your life ^^ ... and it's helpful for helpers ^^ */
public class Program
// you don't use these three variables
String Name;
int Age;
double Height;
static void Naitwa(String name) {
System.out.println("Naitwa " + name);
static void age() {
// Syetem.out.println("My age is 24 years old");
System.out.println("My age is 24 years old");
static void height() {
System.out.println("i am 240cm");
public static void main(String[] args) {
Naitwa("Faridi Sadick");
// what's the 'mwana' class object you are refering?
// ... or what's your purpose by doing that?'
mwana age = new mwana();
mwana height = new mwana();
// function declarations are in your main 'Program' class scope, so you can just call them without refering to an object name...
// Anyway, you don't have any 'age' or 'height' variable previously declared/instanciated ('Age' and 'Height' are not the same variables, and handle number type of value, not object)
// age.age();
// height.height( // be carefull to good closing/ending syntaxe ;P
+ 2
firts.. you must create an instance of program class.
Program p = new Program();
p.Naitwa("Faridi Sadick);//call your method
p.age(); //call age method
p.height;//call height method
+ 2
hmm not quite sure how a post from 2 years ago.. showed up as most recent.. I hope he got his answer.. anyway... I did a snarky version in C#. :) hehehe