+ 1

How / where to code or test these languages?

Learning Javascript and PHP was accesible thanks to the browser and X/WAMP , Now I want to learn Java and C#, how or where I can practice this languages? Thanks!

28th Jun 2017, 2:30 AM
alvaro mesa
alvaro mesa - avatar
5 odpowiedzi
+ 2
1. Practice, write a program related to your favourite things (anime, film, tv series...) 2. Here some websites to test your coding skills, don't worry about difficulty of each one, feel free to use Google to help you: • https://www.hackerrank.comhttps://www.codewars.comhttps://www.hackerearth.comhttps://codecombat.comhttps://projecteuler.nethttps://brainwar.ithttp://www.programmr.comhttps://www.codechef.comhttp://www.codeabbay.comhttps://www.topcoder.comhttps://coderbyte.comhttps://leetcode.comhttp://exercism.iohttps://codefights.comhttp://www.cyber-dojo.orghttp://codingbat.comhttp://www.pythonchallenge.comhttps://codegolf.stackexchange.comhttps://www.codingame.comhttp://www.programmr.comhttps://programmingpraxis.com 3. Practice, seriously, practice is the best way to learn. Good luck! :) ***Copied from other topic.*** I personally use Codewars and I love it.
28th Jun 2017, 5:39 AM
Oscar Albornoz
Oscar Albornoz - avatar
+ 1
you should search out some videos on youtube. i dont know about other languages bt for python you can to download it from their official website for frèe.
28th Jun 2017, 2:39 AM
Code Ninja
Code Ninja - avatar
+ 1
Do practice with the sites that are mentioned. Download the community version of visual studio it is free. https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/
28th Jun 2017, 10:13 PM
sneeze - avatar
I can learn Java ruby and python in codeAcademy but I am looking for a way to do it on my local machine. (Windows if possible).
28th Jun 2017, 2:32 AM
alvaro mesa
alvaro mesa - avatar
I use coderwars too with js.Thanks for the info.
28th Jun 2017, 8:03 AM
alvaro mesa
alvaro mesa - avatar