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Challenge - Lucky Number Of a Couple
Defined the lucky number of a couple as the days between their births (both dates included) and given their birthdays as yyyy/mm/dd, write an algorithm to find out their lucky number. ※Remember the leap years For example, given 1987/3/31 and 1989/3/31, you should return 732. (exactly 2 years, and 1988 is a leap year)
6 odpowiedzi
+ 7
Here you go.
+ 4
Should any specific language be used? And how is the data entered? As an array? Or string? Or something else?
+ 3
The value returned should always be in days?
Do you already have a solution figured out?
+ 3
Alright, thanks for a challenge that other people haven't gotten to yet!
+ 1
@J.G. yes, and yes
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@J.G. any kind is ok