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Can I add an atribute to tag <marquee>?
Sorry 4 bad grammar
6 odpowiedzi
+ 4
<marquee behavior="slide">Slide marquee behavior</marquee>
// You can replace "slide" with "alternate"
<marquee direction="right">Right marquee direction</marquee>
// You can replace "right" with "up" and "down"
<marquee loop="3">This marquee is set to scroll (to loop) 3 times</marquee>
<marquee scrollamount="10">SCROLLAMOUNT marquee equals 10</marquee>
<marquee scrolldelay="250">SCROLLDELAY marquee. 250 = ¼ sec</marquee>
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There are a couple that you can use.
1. marquee-direction Sets the direction of the moving content
2. marquee-play-count Sets how many times the content moves
3. marquee-speed Sets how fast the content scrolls
4. marquee-style Sets the style of the moving content
yeah. for example,
<marquee direction="up"> here is the text tha you want. and don't forget that the options are "up, down, left and right"</marquee>
<marquee color="red"> here is the text, and don't forget put the color that you want in English, or put the code of the colors with the sign "#"</marquee>
etc... for the second example, here are the codes of colors, that works with all tags: http://html-color-codes.info/
good luck!
This tag is told not to be used sind quite a lot of years and is not well supported by modern browsers.
You may use Javascript, maybe jquery for text animations.
It's probably better to avoid the use of the marquee tag as it faces compatibility issues with most browsers now. It's in decline now.
Using the tag now puts you at risk of having redundant code at a later date when it more than likely stops working.