+ 4

What will be the result of I=3; I=++I + I++; cout<<i

I thought it would be 7 but apparently not but why?

9th Sep 2016, 3:07 PM
saujanya verma
saujanya verma - avatar
6 odpowiedzi
I has already been incremented by ++I by the time you reach I++, so the expression is 4 + 4. I++ then sets I to 5, and then I = 4 + 4 = 8 overwrites that change. You won't find stuff like i = i++ anywhere but in programming exercises.
9th Sep 2016, 3:23 PM
Zen - avatar
I=3 ++I pre increment so I=4, now expression is I= 4 + 4 (I++)= 8 since I++ post increment is there so I value which is result of expression is incrementEd by 1 now I =9, it is the output
9th Sep 2016, 6:06 PM
venkatesh bitra
venkatesh bitra - avatar
9 is the output
10th Sep 2016, 4:18 AM
Soutik - avatar
This result only dev c++ compilers. Another compilers output 8.
14th Oct 2016, 10:56 AM
Sirojiddin Nuriyev
Sirojiddin Nuriyev - avatar
++I da u 4ga teng bo'ladi. 4+I++ da 8 ga teng.
4th Apr 2017, 4:40 PM
Firdavs Beknazarov
Firdavs Beknazarov - avatar
it's called "undefined behavior".What will happen?It all depends on your compiler, so different compiler different answer. There is no need to think too much about these problem.
28th Jul 2017, 2:54 AM
Raindragon.DGJ - avatar