Does JavaScript codes run on text editors?
I used note pad today to code js. it didn't work. I used the line break (\n) but it didn't break the line.. I tried this on the code play ground.. which supports JavaScript, the console or text editor?
6 odpowiedzi
+ 3
JavaScript codes 're run in the browser, try the <br> in your JavaScript to break line
+ 4
You can run it if you link it to an HTML file and execute that file.
+ 3
try sublime, it more flexible
or atom from github
+ 1
no Javascript won't run on text editors they are meant to edit the text not run them.
it worked.. but why doesn't \n work..
also.. I did some calculations using the code playground..
input.. document.write("I can sing").. this came on the page(editor)..
input.. (6*2)..
this came on another page, the console page with the result.. ??
does the