+ 1
Why the Code background is writing error when I write in EcmaScript 6?it is not supporting EcmaScript6 yet?
I have tried let,const,class noone of em were working
6 odpowiedzi
+ 3
As far as I know Sololearn has done pretty good job on playground ES6 support. I have couple of ES6 codes which runs with no problems, perhaps you could check my codes to clear your doubts.
+ 2
Maybe You didn't make your code into strict mode?
Or you use old android?
+ 1
on my py shell too smtimes this happens and then I restart the console..
+ 1
Sololearn background uses phone browser to run the code. Code run on new phone should support most ES6 codes.
@BenBright I have used simple example like let x = 5; console.log(x); but it says error in line 1 where I wrote let even the color wasn't changing up when was writing let
As calvin stated,it uses the phone's WebKit system to interpret JavaScript.Your phone maybe have an older WebKit which doesn't support ES6 yet.