+ 5
hi guys I am start learning php just recently , I love to become php master can you please recommended me nice course.
17 odpowiedzi
+ 5
You need to know some minimum html.
+ 4
start with html and css as they are one of the prerequisites for starting php once you get a hang of it start simple you will get a few examples here learn the basics like variables and echo then start off with loops and control structures. move slowly but try to learn at least something on a daily basis. php best part is it that the learning curve is not too steep. so all the best and go ahead if you need any further help do post here if it's something I know will answer for sure. all the best and welcome to PHP.
+ 3
You need know about of:
0. googling;
1. client-server architecture;
2. html(in general terms);
3. http(in general), cookies, session, register_shutdown_function;
4. include, require, include_once, require_once, __autoload, spl_autoload_register, psr-4, composer;
5. php errors, exceptions extends Ecxeption, exceptions extends Error;
6. Output buffering: ob_start, ob_get_...
7. phptherightway.com
8.Matt Zanstra 5-edition "php objects patterns and practice"
9. frameworks: symphony, laravel
+ 2
Best way to learn php :
+ 2
Hello Adel
thanks for your quick respond
I am starting from beginning do I need to know HTML? or I can start straight away from php.
+ 2
Php server sided language yani sunucuda çalışan bi dil olduğu için Php öğrenmek için html bilmeye gerek yok. Php kodları echo edilmedikçe (print) görsel anlamda bir çıktı vermez. Fakat Phpyi haliyle bir websitesinde kullanacağın için temel html bilginin olmasında fayda var. Mesela Php ile mail sistemi yapmak istersen illaki bir form oluşturman gerekecek. Dolayısıyla html'ye ihtiyacın olacak. Bir dil öğrenmenin en önemli kısımlarından biri de pratik yapmaktır. Biraz teorik bilgi öğrendikten sonra ufak projeler yapmaya çalış. Ayrıca birinin sana bir sey öğretmesini bekleme. İstersen kendi başına her şeyi öğrenebilirsin ;) stackoverflow ile bol bol zaman geçir.
+ 1
thank you so much. I am starting college next week I hope college will help to learn php as well.
+ 1
you must learn html
+ 1
Read some book from orelly
+ 1
yeah learning HTML makes u learn php easily
+ 1
php is not alone. you MUST learn at first html and css and sql .
+ 1
hi guys I want to create a Weblog using only php and mysqli.where I can find informations about it.
+ 1
html and CSS first and latter javascript so you can compare PHP and javascript and visualize which its better for your needs.
+ 1
you must learn html and css.before...php.
+ 1
Thankx Alot
bir turk oldugun icin bence php ni oyreden en iyi adam Ibrahim Cevruk. ben onun youtubdaki videolarindan oyreniyorum.cokda iyi.104 dersden ibaret videolar cekmis.kendi sitesindende bula bilirsin