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what order should i learn to make a web page?? css?? html?? java script?? 2. is there other things that should i study beside these??
8 odpowiedzi
+ 4
the 3 together make a great website
HTML: builds the backbone of your website
CSS: makes your website pretty and nice
Java script: makes it controllable and makes it possible to make your own games , drop down menus that look cool and Web Apps
learn the 3 to be an awesome Web developer
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HTML: first
CSS: second
Java script: 3rd
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for a web page you dont need anything else
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depend on your future plans
tnx guys., is there other things that i shuld study??
When you have finished learning Html & Css, you can choose whatever you want. If you want to make dynamic webpages, I recommend learning phyton or php.
I would recommend learning a framework, bootstrap for instance, too create contemporary and good looking websites in no time