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What does QUARK PAIRS Means..???
meaning of QUARK PAIRS
6 odpowiedzi
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The quark of an integer n (denied Q(n)) is a number that can be calculated by the following algorithm:
1. Convert n to binary
2. Count the occurrences of the digit '1'
3. Multiply the number of ones by the original number
For example: n = 42
1. 42_(10) = 101010_(2)
2. 101010 has 3 ones
3. 3 * 42 = 126
In conclusion of the algorithm, the quark of 42 is equal to126 (Q(42) == 126).
But what is a quark *pair*? A quark pair is any pair of integers whose quarks are equal.
Example of a quark pair: (22, 33). This is because Q(22) == Q(33).
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Here's a code about Quark Pairs
(contains a definition in bottom)
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Thanks @everyone for the info
+ 1
I sorry
u can't figure anything plx