+ 1
i dint understand what elements do
can someone tell me briefly plx
8 odpowiedzi
+ 4
Hi Awais. with the last example you did technically the <br/> will work but you would not see the effect of it since there is no content or element afterwards.
a better example would be
<p>go to<br/>school</p>
which would render like this.
go to
+ 2
Element is written using start and end tag example <body></body> and with the content in between. Example <body><p> text here </p></body>
+ 1
element represents one complete individual component ! and there r two types of elements -1)Container elements i.e. those who need starting as well as closing tags e.g -<html> </html> 2) void elements i.e. those only needs the starting tag eg.<BR>
+ 1
Element is composed of opening tag, content and closing tag.
ex. <p>Hello</p>
They contain the content and tell the computer what to do with the content depending on the elements and tags you use
element specifies the containt that what it should be on webpage
like the table tag is to show a table on the webpage
idk to
- 3
thnkxx and for example if i type <p>go to school<br /></p> than will it automatically do br fuction