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How to add n integers?
15 odpowiedzi
+ 40
I do not really understand the meaning of a simple , but here is the basis algorithm for adding n numbers (in the example my n=4) , hope this will help
int main() {
int arr[4]={3,4,10,1};
int sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
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You can store that n integers in array, and then add array elements using a for loop (instead of an array you may use other data structures such as list)
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in c++ we can ask user with "cin>>n;" and save this value in this n variable
+ 2
declare n (int n=0;), add a loop('for' or 'while' function), add 1 to the 'n' variable with 'n++;' (n++ is an abbreviation for 'n = n + 1'). It can't get simpler than that.
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Can we just ask user the value without giving any pre defined value for n
Is there a simple way then this? @emma
What's all this?
for me i think this will do it perfectly as a simple program to add n integers (you can improve it by use another variable to count n ) :
int main () {
int a ;
int sum = 0;
char yesNo = 'y';
while ( yesNo == 'y' ){
cout << "Please input No. to add \n" ;
cin >> a;
cout << "Do you want to add another integer ? (y/n)\n";
cin >> yesNo;
cout << "Summation is = " << sum;
start array n=0 and sum=sum+arr[i] sum=0 and i=0 first time execute 3 and result is 18.
int n,sum=0,r;
printf("enter an integer:");
while( n!=0)
Lets take n is total number you want to add. Suppose n=5.
Now get all 5 values you want to add.
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
Scanf("%d", & value[i] );
We have entered our 5 values, similarly you can add any no. Of n value.
lets add them.
sum += value[i] ; // or sum=sum+value[i];
Both terms are same so you can write any one.
Now lets display on the screen.
Printf(" %d", sum) ;
int main() {
Int n, i, vlaue[n], sum=0;
Scanf("%d", &n );
for (i=0;i<n;i++){
Scanf("%d", & value[i] );
sum += value[i] ; // or sum=sum+value[i];
Printf(" %d", sum) ;
return 0;
This all done. Is for C, you can now do this for any language you want. Except HTML, and CSS.
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in c# you can do it really simple
int [] num = {4,6,1,7,9};
int sum = 0;
foreach (int item in num){
sum += item;
the foreach loop runs through all elements in the array and runs the code in the body on each element.
hope this helped you :)
if you have any questions feel free to ask :3
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java 01
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Hi guys plz help for larnig programm I have more problem how can I start from the start point.
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man ask for c#